Microsoft Teams Attendance Reporting Application
The Challenge
Do you need to report on attendance and/or invitees across all your Microsoft Teams meetings? Are you looking to track meeting attendance in Microsoft Teams?
Currently, there is no way to achieve this without downloading all the attendance files and manipulating the data in the files. Even then you will not get all the information that you are potentially looking for.
Save yourself hours, and get better insights into your meeting attendance with the iThink 365 Meeting Attendance Reporting Application.
Using the Meeting Attendance Reporting Application we saved on average £12500 per person per year.*
*based on 4 hours a week and £60 per hour.
Microsoft Teams has individual attendance reports which allow you to see who has attended the meeting. However, at scale, this is difficult to manage and report on. One of the customers, a training company, runs hundreds of training sessions via Microsoft Teams.
They need to be able to report on the attendance at those meetings. Trying to manually report on hundreds of meetings a week becomes a huge task and requires several people to manage this process.
The Solution
The iThink 365 Meeting Teams Attendance Reporting Application will extract your Microsoft Teams Meetings Attendance and Invitees information into a Microsoft Azure SQL Server database.
This provides you with base reporting delivered via Microsoft Power BI. These reports can be changed and customised to your needs.

This product delivers the following
- An overview of the meeting attendance for all your Microsoft Teams Meetings
- Identify the people who attended and did not attend.
- Whitelisting of Microsoft Teams Meetings support
- Visualisation of attendance through Power BI Dashboard
- Allow you to see which invitees missed the meeting
Who is this product aimed for?
The product is aimed at organisations that use Microsoft Teams and need to report on meeting attendance. For example, education, and training organisations need to report to public sector organisations such as the Department for Education.
Who is this product not aimed for?
Organisations that do not use Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 for running their meetings and conference calls.
Want to find out more?
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