Changing Lives through Changing Minds implement innovative Therapy Management System to manage and predict workload
Changing Lives through Changing Minds are a mental health charity which deal with child mental health issues.
They were looking to replace an existing system which was not giving them the flexibility and functionality that they needed.
They were looking to incorporate a system which was tightly woven and could integrate and improve the way that they worked. One of the key requirements was to improve how they were notified of new cases from all their partners. Already using Microsoft 365, enhancing Microsoft Teams and using it to improve communication and collaboration was a big focus. This would enable them to get the right information from the various agencies that they work with without having to double key the information in.
Finally, they need better analysis tools so that the management team could see how long case were taking to be actioned from the first step to the last step in the process.
iThink 365 built a system which helps the therapists and management know what new work is coming, when new referrals have arrived and integrating with their organisations Microsoft 365 environment through single-sign-on. This gives best of breed security and protection for their data.
The application is built on top of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform so that it has performance, and security at its core. Additionally, it can be accessed by the team as they work from the office, home, or client.

Reporting is an essential part of running the practice and a series of dashboards were built using Power BI which enabled the managers to keep track of the case workload, see trends, build up intelligence, and key performance indicators such as time from referral arriving and being allocated to a therapist.

Integration into Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is the work hub for organisations and at iThink 365 we design our applications to integrate with Microsoft Teams so that they are kept productive and do not have to hunt around for the tools and resources they use.
The application uses Microsoft Teams to alert and notify the team of new referrals and let a therapist know when they have been assigned a new case. The notification makes use of adaptive card technology which enables them to quickly get a summary of the essential information with a button so they can get to work on the case.

The next step, for the solution is to improve the internal communication using Microsoft Teams by introducing the ability to add references to a case in the conversations that are occuring between the team. This aids the therapists and managers make sure that there is no confusion about which person is being discussed and additionally it allows the team to be able to quickly get into the Therapy Management System to get a history of the client.
The Therapy Management System helps them manage the backlog of therapy, gives them insights into how long it takes for a client to go through the stages of therapy from initial contact through to discharge.